How do I import my caption styles into the new version of Zubtitle?
While the new version of Zubtitle is still in Beta, caption styles are not automatically transferred from the old version of Zubtitle into the new version of Zubtitle.
Zubtitle has changed the way caption styles work. Previously, custom caption styles would only allow you to change things like the caption font, color, background, etc... The new version of Zubtitle has a more powerful templating engine. You can now save the size of videos, the location of captions, logos, etc... Because of these changes, caption styles cannot easily import.
Here is how you import caption styles into the new version of Zubtitle.
First, locate a completed video that uses the caption style that you want to import. Find this video on the Completed Videos tab in the dashboard of your account.
Next. click the video with the caption style that you would like to import to select that video. Then click on the Reset to Draft link. The Reset to Draft link is on the download page for your completed video. Pressing the Reset to Draft link will let you edit that video again.
This will open the video in the new caption editor in Zubtitle. When the caption editor opens, press the 'Create New' button on the Template tab in the caption editor. Then name your template and click Create.
Your old caption style will now be saved as a template in the new version of Zubtitle. That template will now be usable in any video. Locate that template on the same Template tab in the caption editor while editing your video.